10 Mental Health Pick-Me-Ups

Feeling overwhelmed? Research shows that there are a number of simple things you can do for quick doses of stress-relieving happiness. Call someone far away that you’d like to hear from. A British study found that regular contact with 10 or more friends significantly increases happiness and even lengthens life! Reach out to a good friend you …

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10 Tips for a Happier, Healthier New Year

Take an outdoor walk at least once a week. A regular dose of nature and physical activity is sure to elevate your mood. Research shows that outdoor walks can actually alleviate some symptoms of depression. Keep a journal. Writing out your thoughts is a great way to empty your mind of negative energy and to …

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Celebrity Series Part 5: Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher is best known for her role as the heroine Princess Leia in the original Star Wars trilogy, recently reprised in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. She’s also a hero to the bipolar community, rebelling against mental illness stigma and fighting for more funding to treat mental illness. Fisher was born to celebrity parents …

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Managing a Mental Illness in College

For most students, stress is a constant of the college experience. Being away from home and family, living with roommates, facing tougher classes, and balancing a heavy work load with a social life can lead many students to feel overwhelmed. For the 1 in 5 students living with a mental health condition, these stressors prove …

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Bipolar Disorder Isn’t Just a Bad Mood

When it comes to bipolar disorder, wider use of the term doesn’t mean broader understanding. The term “bipolar” is often tossed around to describe everyday traits and occurrences. You’ve heard it before, and maybe even said it before. Maybe the term “bipolar” was used to describe someone acting moody or perhaps unpleasant, unpredictable weather. It’s …

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4 Movies About Mental Illness

Numerous studies suggest that the majority of mental illness cases are never actually diagnosed. Whether you think you have a mental illness or not; don’t be afraid of mental illness- be informed. Awareness is the enemy of stigma! These four movies portray a glimpse of what it may be like to experience mental illness. Schizophrenia: A …

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