PTSD Myths Busted


There are a lot of misconceptions out there about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Make sure you know fact from fiction; here are some widespread PTSD myths debunked:

Myth: PTSD isn’t a ‘real’ illness.

PTSD is a psychological disease that occurs when someone lives through a traumatic event. Research has shown surviving life-threatening or extremely disturbing situations can disrupt healthy functioning inside the brain. In decades past, PTSD was called combat fatigue and shell shock.

Myth: Only soldiers get PTSD.

Any kind of traumatic event can trigger PTSD symptoms. Traumatic events put yours or others’ lives in danger and undermine your sense of safety and control. Violent crimes, sexual assaults, child abuse, and natural disasters can all cause PTSD. First responders, such as firefighters, paramedics and police, are also at risk for PTSD.

Myth: You need to “get over” it.

PTSD often involves chemical changes inside the brain, so most people with the disease cannot simply “get over” their symptoms. PTSD is a medical problem; it needs medical treatment.

Myth: PTSD strikes right after trauma

PTSD symptoms can pop up any time after a traumatic event. They may not appear for months or even years. Sometimes, symptoms come and go for several years.

Myth: People with PTSD cannot function

With psychiatric care, people with PTSD can lead full and happy lives. They can keep jobs, deepen their relationships and be active members of their communities.

Do you or someone you know have PTSD? See if you qualify for the Segal Institute’s clinical research study on PTSD today!


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