Causes and Effects of Bacterial Vaginosis

According to recent studies, bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common type of vaginal infection in American women.

BV is a type of infection that results from bacterial overgrowth in the vagina.  The vagina is host to several types of bacteria that are considered “good,” and the body keeps these good bacteria in a healthy balance. When this balance is upset, the number of bacteria increases and an infection occurs.

Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis may include:

  • Painful or burning urination
  • Grey or white vaginal discharge
  • Vaginal itchiness
  • Discharge with strong odor

Negative Effects of BV include:

  • BV can increase the risk of getting other vaginal infections
  • You are at greater risk of other sexually transmitted infections
  • You may experience pregnancy complications if you have BV during pregnancy
  • You are at greater risk for Pelvic inflammatory Disease (PID)

Treatment & Prevention:

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Your doctor can easily diagnose BV with a sample of vaginal fluid. Moreover, it is easily treated with antibiotics. But, regardless of the treatment’s efficacy, BV can reoccur. In order to prevent BV, do the following:

  • Keep your genital area clean and healthy
  • Wash your vagina every day
  • Change underwear every day (cotton underwear, which allows air flow, is best)
  • After urination wipe from front to back
  • Change out of wet underwear, swimsuits, or gym clothes

Do you suffer from Bacterial Vaginosis? See if you qualify for Segal’s clinical research study on BV today!

Source: EverydayHealth PhotoCred: HappyVaginaProject

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